Prof. Dr. / Elise Leone scientific visit to the College of Fine Arts




    The Board of the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University session No. (3), held on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 on what was the minutes of the Committee on Graduate Studies and Research on 03.11.2015 on what was the minutes of the Board of repairing a section on the activities of the framework of cooperation between the Faculty Fine Arts - Alexandria University and Graduate school of Arts Boffineon - France, and begin arrangements to visit Mrs. Prof. Dr. / Elise Leone Iles Ilion professor of restoration school senior arts Bovenیon France, which has been awarded the title of professor of visits restoration Department of the faculty at the University Council's decision in 30/12/2014 at the Council of Graduate Studies of Directors' decision on 12.24.2014, to participate and complete the training program and the teaching of certain courses Almajstیrvy stage specialty (sculpture restoration - restoration imaging).