Prof. Dr. / Maha Albaksomaty holds an exhibition of her experiences titled process

( build configuration through the camera lens and digitally processed to

produce communication publications )






Dr. / Maha Baksomaty .. Assistant Professor, Department of Graphic designs was established her artist exhibition to experience the research process entitled : ( build configuration through the camera lens and digitally processed to produce communication publications ) as a Part of her promotion of research professor / Field of specialty Publishing and book fees , The research depends on using PHOTO BOOTH program to create composition . This program makes a pattern from  components of photography and It gives 9 photographs of the same element. The graphic designer controls the composition of the photograph which results from this program. Then the designer uses the photo shop program to make a lot of treatments for all photos. After that the designer applies the photos after the treatments in the graphic design such as, invitation design, poster design and so on…….