فى إطار دعم التواصل بين كلية الفنون الجميلة جامعة الإسكندرية أقام قسم التصوير معرضا لمشروعات التخرج لمجموعة من طلاب شعبة التصوير الجدارى ، إفتتحت المعرض السيدة الأستاذة دينا مندور عميد الكلية و السيدة الأستاذة الدكتورة صفاء عبد السلام رئيس مجلس القسم و مجموعة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس و الخريجين و طلاب القسم ، و تكريم الطلاب المتميزيين فى مختلف أنشطة الكلية و الجدير بالذكر اللقاء الذى تم مع مجموعة من الخريجين القدامى المتميزيين و إستطلاع رأيهم و تطلعاتهم لما فيه دعم للعملية التعليمية و ضمان جودتها و وصولها للصورة المطلوبة فى ضوء خدمة المجتمع و التوافق مع متطلبات سوق العمل 

Dean's word


The Faculty of Fine Arts is one of the most distinguished university institutions in the Arab world in the fields of education, research, and sociology. The vision, mission, values, governing policies and strategic objectives of the Faculty of Fine Arts have been updated as follows:


Vision of the Faculty of Fine Arts (What we want / summarize the goal):

Building human cadres capable of assimilating and dealing with the requirements of the age and rapid technological developments by activating quality systems for graduates to achieve excellence in the areas of research and artistic and plastic creativity, which contribute effectively to the service of society and the development of the environment for obtaining accreditation.


 Values and Policies:

 It is determined in the principles, rules and regulations (the Law of Organizing Universities No. 49 of 1972 and its amendments - internal and financial regulations - quality standards - the moral charter - intellectual property rights ... etc) which regulates the work of the college as an academic institution and its employees.


The strategic goals of the Faculty of Fine Arts (which achieve the message and be measurable, evaluated and evaluated during a certain period of time) are:

 Determine what we want to reach and achieve the purpose of the existence of the Faculty of Fine Arts with maximum efficiency and effectiveness and a large financial return to the College and the University to establish new economic entities through:

  1. Restructuring scientific departments in the college.
  2. Developing and restructuring the curricula of the college.
  3. Developing academic human resources, developing financial resources and improving the economics of learning.
  4. Restructuring and developing the administrative system in the college.
  5. Activation of internal system of quality in the faculty.

 Prof. Dina Mandour

Since its inception in 1957 at the hands of the artist Dr. Ahmed Othman, the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria has been distinguished by not only being a place of learning and studying, but rather a scientific community aimed at creativity, minds, artistic skills, and graphics capable of facing various artistic, architectural, and scientific challenges. Let there be a generation armed with knowledge and awareness to serve society and infrastructure
Our commitment at the College of Fine Arts is to provide high-quality education in line with the latest scientific and technological developments, art schools and modern
We strive to provide a stimulating educational environment that supports creativity, innovation and scientific research, and enables our students to achieve their fullest potential

Dedication to work and cooperation among everyone achieves the goals and leads us towards success.

In conclusion, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed and is contributing to the success of our college, and we look forward to achieving more successes and achievements in the future.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you.

Professor Dr. Nevin Gharib, Dean of the College.


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أُنشئت أول مدرسة للفنون الجميلة العُليا عام 1908 بالقاهرة .أنشئت الكلية بالإسكندرية فى عام 1957 . ومؤسسها المرحوم السيد الأستاذ الدكتور / أحمد عثمان . أحد رواد فن النحت المعاصر و أول عميد لها .
وتهدف الدراسة بالكلية إلى إعداد وتخريج الكوادر المتخصصة فى مجالات الإبداع التشكيلى من خلال تخصصات أقسام الكلية الخمس :
( العمارة – الديكور - التصميمات المطبوعة – التصوير – النحت ) . 
سنة 1962 تم تخريج أول دفعة من الطلاب بعد حصولهم على البكالوريوس في تخصص أقسام الفنون . 
سنة 1964 تم تخريج أول دفعة من الطلاب بعد حصولهم على البكالوريوس في العمارة .
سنة 1975 أُنشئت جامعة حلوان وضُمت إليها كلية الفنون الجميلة .


صدر قرار السيد رئيس الجمهورية رقم 361 سنة 1989 بضم كلية الفنون الجميلة إلى جامعة الإسكندرية

WhatsApp Image 2025 01 23 at 2.17.43 PM

Since its inception in 1957 at the hands of the artist Dr. Ahmed Othman, the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria has been distinguished by not only being a place of learning and studying, but rather a scientific community aimed at creativity, minds, artistic skills, and graphics capable of facing various artistic, architectural, and scientific challenges. Let there be a generation armed with knowledge and awareness to serve society and infrastructure
Our commitment at the College of Fine Arts is to provide high-quality education in line with the latest scientific and technological developments, art schools and modern trends.


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فى إطار دعم التواصل بين كلية الفنون الجميلة جامعة الإسكندرية أقام قسم التصوير معرضا لمشروعات التخرج لمجموعة من طلاب شعبة التصوير الجدارى ، إفتتحت المعرض السيدة الأستاذة دينا مندور عميد الكلية و السيدة الأستاذة الدكتورة صفاء عبد السلام رئيس مجلس القسم و مجموعة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس و الخريجين و طلاب القسم ، و تكريم الطلاب المتميزيين فى مختلف أنشطة الكلية و الجدير بالذكر اللقاء الذى تم مع مجموعة من الخريجين القدامى المتميزيين و إستطلاع رأيهم و تطلعاتهم لما فيه دعم للعملية التعليمية و ضمان جودتها و وصولها للصورة المطلوبة فى ضوء خدمة المجتمع و التوافق مع متطلبات سوق العمل 

Dean's word


The Faculty of Fine Arts is one of the most distinguished university institutions in the Arab world in the fields of education, research, and sociology. The vision, mission, values, governing policies and strategic objectives of the Faculty of Fine Arts have been updated as follows:


Vision of the Faculty of Fine Arts (What we want / summarize the goal):

Building human cadres capable of assimilating and dealing with the requirements of the age and rapid technological developments by activating quality systems for graduates to achieve excellence in the areas of research and artistic and plastic creativity, which contribute effectively to the service of society and the development of the environment for obtaining accreditation.


 Values and Policies:

 It is determined in the principles, rules and regulations (the Law of Organizing Universities No. 49 of 1972 and its amendments - internal and financial regulations - quality standards - the moral charter - intellectual property rights ... etc) which regulates the work of the college as an academic institution and its employees.


The strategic goals of the Faculty of Fine Arts (which achieve the message and be measurable, evaluated and evaluated during a certain period of time) are:

 Determine what we want to reach and achieve the purpose of the existence of the Faculty of Fine Arts with maximum efficiency and effectiveness and a large financial return to the College and the University to establish new economic entities through:

  1. Restructuring scientific departments in the college.
  2. Developing and restructuring the curricula of the college.
  3. Developing academic human resources, developing financial resources and improving the economics of learning.
  4. Restructuring and developing the administrative system in the college.
  5. Activation of internal system of quality in the faculty.

 Prof. Dina Mandour

Since its inception in 1957 at the hands of the artist Dr. Ahmed Othman, the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria has been distinguished by not only being a place of learning and studying, but rather a scientific community aimed at creativity, minds, artistic skills, and graphics capable of facing various artistic, architectural, and scientific challenges. Let there be a generation armed with knowledge and awareness to serve society and infrastructure
Our commitment at the College of Fine Arts is to provide high-quality education in line with the latest scientific and technological developments, art schools and modern
We strive to provide a stimulating educational environment that supports creativity, innovation and scientific research, and enables our students to achieve their fullest potential

Dedication to work and cooperation among everyone achieves the goals and leads us towards success.

In conclusion, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed and is contributing to the success of our college, and we look forward to achieving more successes and achievements in the future.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you.

Professor Dr. Nevin Gharib, Dean of the College.


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أُنشئت أول مدرسة للفنون الجميلة العُليا عام 1908 بالقاهرة .أنشئت الكلية بالإسكندرية فى عام 1957 . ومؤسسها المرحوم السيد الأستاذ الدكتور / أحمد عثمان . أحد رواد فن النحت المعاصر و أول عميد لها .
وتهدف الدراسة بالكلية إلى إعداد وتخريج الكوادر المتخصصة فى مجالات الإبداع التشكيلى من خلال تخصصات أقسام الكلية الخمس :
( العمارة – الديكور - التصميمات المطبوعة – التصوير – النحت ) . 
سنة 1962 تم تخريج أول دفعة من الطلاب بعد حصولهم على البكالوريوس في تخصص أقسام الفنون . 
سنة 1964 تم تخريج أول دفعة من الطلاب بعد حصولهم على البكالوريوس في العمارة .
سنة 1975 أُنشئت جامعة حلوان وضُمت إليها كلية الفنون الجميلة .


صدر قرار السيد رئيس الجمهورية رقم 361 سنة 1989 بضم كلية الفنون الجميلة إلى جامعة الإسكندرية